How long can bed bug job take in a building with many beds? We discovered the answer to that question when called out to perform bed bug fumigation in Borehamwood.
The customer’s house was a large place with five bedrooms. Four of those bedrooms contained bunk beds as the owners worked as foster carers. They had 8 young people of various ages staying with them.
The problem had begun some weeks previously, when one of the young people in their care had started to complain of an itchy rash. On closer inspection it turned out the rash was actually a collection of bites on their arms and cheeks. Their room-mate soon began complaining of the same problem and before long, all the residents of the house had it. Recognising that the problem was probably caused by parasitic insects, the owners called us as the number one pest control firm in Borehamwood.
We chose to work during the day when the children were all out at school and sent two teams to the job due to the high volume of work required in a short space of time. We used a combination of pesticides and super-heated dry steam to fully fumigate all the bedrooms, including the bedroom of the owners themselves. By combining methods in this way, we believed we achieve the best result and were proved right. When we returned for a check visit one week later, no further signs of infestation could be found.