Bed bug fumigation in your area are on the increase. Bedbugs are a surprisingly common problem in the your area. I say surprisingly, as many people seem to think of them as a thing of the past. Yet they are so easily spread and reproduce so quickly. A couple of eggs can become a large breeding population within days. When we received a call for bed bug fumigation in Palmers Green N13 we knew exactly what to expect.
Upon arrival at the customer’s house we were greeted with all the tell-tale signs. Residents of the property had itchy lesions on their skin, while bed sheet bore tiny smears of blood where they had been bitten. We also observed a number of the tiny casts that are left behind when bedbugs shed. There was no question that the house needed a very thorough Heat Treatment and we set to work, not only on the bed linens, but the whole property got the treatment. The job was made particularly difficult as the customers had a very shaggy pile carpet throughout the house. While bedbugs would unlikely to live on the carpet, it could act as a very effective hiding place for eggs. Obviously, any eggs left behind would be likely to lead to re-infestation. We advised the residents to go out for the day and spent several hours thoroughly Treating the entire home. Before they were due back we then opened all windows and door to ventilate well. Once they returned we were able to leave in the knowledge of yet another job well done.
If you suspect you have bedbugs please contact us for a quote